Data storage

Cloud storage is a technology that has been around for some time. However, it was only in recent years that the advantages became popular with private and corporate consumers.

This is a solution that can be quite beneficial for companies of all sizes. It is a 100% safe and reliable way to store data and work in community. Learn more about this product that has been gaining more and more space in companies over the past few years.

Armazenamento de Dados

What is it and what are the advantages?

In simple terms, cloud data storage is a technology that allows data to be stored on the internet through an online server that is always available.

Through this solution, the user can store files, documents and other information without needing an HD on his computer. Therefore, freeing up space is already an advantage that can be realized at the beginning.

But, where does the stored data go? Like any other web service, cloud content is stored on a server, which is basically a set of networked hard drives.

These servers, in turn, are located in large data centers, all over the world and with an extremely high level of digital and physical security.

Advantages of the cloud storage service

Joining the cloud data storage service can also provide some benefits.


The cloud system allows to outsource all the infrastructure related to Information Technology, drastically reducing the costs of a company


This type of storage allows access to files from any location, as long as you use a device with an internet connection


Storage providers implement protection systems for the platforms and the data they process, such as authentication, access control and encryption

Entrepreneurs and companies that are attentive to technological developments are increasingly adhering to this solution. That’s because it is undoubtedly a safer and more efficient way to manage data.

At WebTech, the Cloud Storage solution allows you to store your files on Cloud servers with redundant RAID arrays, permanent monitoring and high availability.

You can access your files via FTP or Secure FTP connection protected by SSL Certificate which guarantees secure access and encryption of the transferred data.

To implement cloud storage in your company, contact us!

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