Learn how to create a branded domain creatively and efficiently

Creating a domain for your website is easy if you already have a name in mind. However, the task can seem more complicated if the choice hasn’t been made.

First of all, defining the name of the website should not be thought of overnight.

This is because your project must take into account numerous factors in order to achieve good visibility and credibility.

After all, the project aims to generate a financial return and achieve the objectives set.

Therefore, it must be unique and authentic to stand out from the competition and leverage your online success.

Want to create a website but don’t know what to call it?

Don’t worry, we have a complete guide to setting up your domain name online.

Just keep reading!

Create domain: Learn our valuable tips for developing a successful website

When we start a web project, one of the first things we need to define is the name.

After all, your brand’s identity is on the web. However, there are other variables that you should consider.

Therefore, we have separated some tips on how to create a domain easier on the Internet. Get to know them next!

Prioritize your brand name

As mentioned above, your brand name is one of your best choices.

In this case, if possible, add a word that relates to the company’s business segment. This will make it easier to find your business on the web.

Develop an optimized domain

With your brand name in mind, you have a great opportunity.

With the help of Google tools, you will be able to understand which keywords are the most searched in your segment.

With this valuable information, you can use your creativity and create a name for your website using these keywords to obtain a better positioning within the Internet search platform.

Try to create easy to remember domains

Another important tip to consider when choosing a domain name is to develop a domain name that is easy to remember.

Generally, shorter names are more memorable and easier to remember.

Therefore, the user who has found your company on the web will be able to return to your site more easily because they have subconsciously memorized your domain address.

Avoid hyphens and double letters

We never recommend developing a website with a hyphen, as this symbol can be identified as spam.

Another tip is to avoid double letters in the domain, for example, www.blogdeempresa.com.

The combination of repeated words leads to typos and increases the chances of losing traffic.

Finally, give your domain preference to create a personalized web presence.

At Webtech, we can help you register, renew or transfer any domain. We are also experts in choosing good names.

Contact us to start thinking about what’s best for your business.

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